The 2019 EMCAM edition will take place at Castelo de Vide (Alentejo, Portugal) during May, 2 – 4, 2019 and it will be hosted by the Municipality of Castelo de Vide and the IEM (Instituto de Estudos Medievais). During Thursday and Friday there will be conference presentations, debates and a poster session. The Meeting languages are English, Portuguese and Spanish. During Saturday there will be a study trip to a selection of local early medieval archaeological sites.
This first Meeting takes as a starting point the PRAMCV, a project carried out between 2014 and 2017 about early medieval settlements in the territory of Castelo de Vide. Its findings show evidence of a complex process of re-adaptation throughout the post-roman centuries. The transition between medium roman villas to small scale valley settlements results in severe changes in the management of local resources and economic activities. This new countryside is shaped through a network of intricate small and medium farmsteads in which production scale and focus shifts.
Particular aspects of this early medieval rural landscape –especially the settlements layout; the association between households, productive structures and funerary areas; the building techniques and material culture– have also been documented in other inland territories of the Iberian Peninsula.
Considering the results obtained through the analysis of the early medieval settlements in the Castelo de Vide territory, we would like this opportunity to further address the following issues:
1. Transitions and transformations. The end of the Roman land-use model, new early medieval settlement patterns and the rural landscape during the beginning of the Muslim period.
2. Early medieval settlement forms. From single farmsteads to villages and everything in between.
3. The social dimension of peasant settlements: farmsteads, villages, cemeteries and assembly places.
4. Productive strategies and land-use models. Readings from settlement location, productive structures, botanical and faunal remains.
5. Material culture analysis. From production to distribution and the problems of analysing local manufactures.
6. Earth, timber and stones. Architecture, building techniques and formation processes of the archaeological record.
7. Cemeteries, graves and burial practices in the countryside.
Sara Prata
Fabián Cuesta-Gómez
Catarina Tente
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